Well this post is a little late but our ham is back in school again this year. Last week he had his first day. This year he is actually in two classes - one M,W & the other T,TH. Where most peops use it as Mother's Day out we are using it as daycare when we are at work. We know it is a much better place than where he was before (at the sitter's house) so we decided it'd be great if he could go full time & the director said that yes, they do things like that for working parents in order to help them avoid corporate daycare. How nice!

He had a few teary days, but John said he didn't cry when he dropped him off this morning. Yea! I asked him who his girlfriend is (b/c I ask weird, random pointless questions like that, it's just how I roll) & he said Cailyn! I looked & there's a Cailym & Kaitlyn in one of his classes, so it must be legit! He came home with a nasty, bloody chin one day where the teacher said he "flew into the wall" - he must take after me because I did/ still do dumb stuff like that all the time. My mom has been calling me "Grace" ever since I was little! His teachers seem real nice & he seems to like school. I think it'll be a good year.
If only I can get the kid to nap, we'll be in good shape! He is playing with his tool bench as I type....I hear him in there drilling in the pitch black while he is supposed to be napping. I think it's time I de-toy his room. We go through this fight everyday! Usually he shoves his blankets under the door out into the hall while screaming "No nappy!" It's really a daily battle! I hear books flying everywhere, pillows hitting the wall....he is wired.
Here are a couple pictures from today after he had an outfit change for pouring his whole drink all over him. As it turns out, that shirt doesn't quite fit yet! Anyway, thought I'd share first day pics but I can't find them so these will have to do...
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