Thursday, August 6, 2009

Happy Birthday To Garrett!

It is hard to believe that one year ago at 1:24pm, we welcomed Garrett Hunter into our family! I think John would agree that although the year has flown by, it feels like G has been a part of our family forever! What else is hard to believe is how much he has changed. He went from looking like he came from a different family to looking like us...or as everyone else would say....looking only like John! (I beg to differ though about me not deserving some credit! I have proof that we look alike from an old baby picture of me). Garrett - we love you to death & are so indescribably lucky to have you! Thank you for all the joy you bring us. We think the world of you. Have a FUN 1st Birthday, big boy!


The Ziebarths said...

Happy Birthday G!!!! Enjoy your cake!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Garrett!!! You are a cutie!!

Lauren said...

Happy Bday Garrett! Love the new pics. See ya Saturday.