bc I just know we have family member who don't get to see this little guy enough. He is growing up so fast! He is not a little baby anymore! Sad! I don't want the day to come where he doesn't want to "be my boyfriend" anymore, where he doesn't invite me to come play in his playroom or ask if he can sleep in "Mommy's bed" (ha, it's only mine to Garrett, not daddy's bed!), or where he doesn't call the computer the "poncuter" anymore or where he stops asking me "please, you snuggle on the couch with me, mommy?" I don't want all this working I am doing to make these moments pass by in a flash. I am trying to find a balance so I can enjoy & take advantage of every moment of this without letting him see that I am exhausted but it's hard! I love to so much about this little guy. I love that he prays before dinner everynight & says "God our father, thank you, man, thank you man for feeding us. Amen." Because I am sure those aren't the real words, but they're perfect to me. I love that he told his teacher his favorite thing to do with his daddy is to "hug with him." I love that Garrett thinks his cousin's dog Max dived (not died), so anytime he sees a pool he says, "Max dived in the water?" I loove that everytime I tell him he is cute, he says "Yes mommy, I know I am cute, telled me that all the time!" I looove that he has developed this crazy vocabulary all of a sudden out of no where because it is adorable, but I don't want him to grow up! I just want more time! I can see why moms cry (or why my mom cried) when us kids went off to college!
You are such a good mommy! G is so lucky!
He is so adorable. I laughed that he thinks your bed is only yours... Our kids think our whole bedroom and bathroom is only mine!!! I miss g! He is so cute and snuggly!
Ahhh, you made me get all misty! I feel they are growing up WAY too fast!!! G is soooo sweet:) XO
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