Hi! It is time that I post some of Garrett's birthday party pictures! Everything went well, he had a BLAST thanks to all his super cool friends. He really did have fun & was talking about it for a logn time after. I have learned that it is hard to take pictures at your own kid's party! Much easier at someone else's! I wanted to get lots of pictures of he & his friends playing but I also wanted to socialize with my friends & everyone nice enough to be there! So...here are the few I took. My dad also took some that I need to go through when I get a chance. Thanks, Dad!

Huh huh, get in there, cousin!

Garrett in his new sandbox before the party.

This is Garrett on Friday at Nini's house. Friday was his real birthday & he was sooo lucky to have almost all of the Bucic side of the family together. Stacy was the only one who had to be atwork & everyone else is currently off on Fridays. What a nice way to spend his birthday, a pizza & pool party! Thanks for getting together guys!

They played with this car ramp for a loooong time....never got old.

Here's Garrett opening his presents at the party. He just made himself comfortable with his hand resting comfortably in his underpants. What a guy!
Happle-tooooo-ey! As Garrett would say. He kept saying "sing to me!"

This is Garrett's good buddy, Sam. He is so much fun. He's been a good bud, for years. Literally! Two whole years now! Sam is turning two soon, too. Can't wait for that party. The Ligon/ Fredrickson's know how to throw a party!

This is another really good buddy, Grant. He is such a sweet boy. When they get together, they are trouble!

Pool Party!

Thanks for a great birthday for Garrett, family & friends! We love you!
Happy Birthday Garrett!! It looked like your party was awesome We'll have to come over and play with all those cool outside toys soon!! LOVE YOU!
We had fun! Thanks for the awesome party! Sam had the time of his life. I told John we just need to have Sam's party at your place!
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