Monday, March 16, 2009

Momma Bucic Update...

Not much has changed today. My mom is still intubated & out cold from all the sedatives. She is much more peaceful this way. If she was awake right now, she'd be very uncomfortable & it could be dangerous for her, so they'll keep her this way for atleast 24 more hours. Until she is ready to get rid of the breathing tube, she'll remain in this state. The doctors haven't said anything good or bad, they've just remained pretty non-committal & vague. The truth is that I don't think they'll know much until she is done with the breathing tube & awake. We were there when the doctor lowered the amount of medicine she is taking & we were able to see her respond to it. She moved her legs, arms & tried to open her eyes. These are all good signs. She seemed in pain, so the doctor quickly raised the level to where it was before so she could get some relief. They will do this same thing bright & early tomorrow morning to see how she responds. They'll let us in even though visiting hours aren't until 9am, so we'll be by her side.

Mom~I almost called you like 3 times today. This is the longest I have ever gone without talking to you & it's killing me! I have so many things to tell you & miss hanging out with you. I can't wait to get you back! John made some pretty awesome chicken for dinner & I was dying to invite you over to eat with us. It kills me to think you are alone all night in ICU & we can't be there for you. Garrett is already bummed to miss out on Nana Tuesday & wants to take a raincheck for when you get out of the hospital. He said he'd settle for a Nana Thursday or Friday or whatever he could get as long as he gets to see you SOON!

I am going to start a journal for you, Mom, so you will know how much everyone cares. I want you to know all of the people who have called, texted, emailed, visited & shown they care each day. You are sooo loved!

We were all there today even though you didn't know it. We talked to you & held your hand. We can't wait to get you back!
P.S. Garrett went to the pediatrician today & has a severe ear infection & sinus infection. He is on a high does of Amoxycillin. Hopefully this will explain why he has been fussy & not eating well or sleeping for weeks. (We already took him in for this & were told to "let it run it's course).
P.P.S.My Dad went to the ER today with gallbladder pain. He left after he learned that there was a 5 hour wait. He said he'll tough it out until after my Mom is better. I can tell he really does not want to miss out on a moment with her. Hope you feel better, too, Dad!
See a trend here? Everyone is falling apart! Never a dull moment!


Anonymous said...

Kelly -
I was so sorry to learn about your mom's illness, and now Garrett and your dad too!! 2009 is not off to a very good start for a lot of my favorite people, and I hate that. However, I am confident that we will all get through this and have a wonderful summer and fall! I know there is not much we can do at this point, but know that all of you, especially your mom, is in our prayers! I'll be in touch. Hugs and much love ...

Jenni said...

Hi Kel,

I have been out of town and slacking on my blog reading, so I am just finding out about your mama. We'll keep her and your family in our prayers. Love ya bunches...


The Smith's said...

Kelly, I just wanted to let you know we are still praying. So sorry to hear about Garrett. I hope the little guy feels better soon. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do. Hugs, K