Monday, November 3, 2008


Today was G's 1st day at Amanda's. I didn't get home until 6:30 tonight b/c of a meeting & Garrett has been sleeping all night since I got here. I think I've seen him awake a total of 10 minutes today. This is so heartbreaking! I so appreciate & miss the maternity leave days I spent with him.
On another note, John picked G up early today & took him back to the dr b/c he's back to puking on a regular basis. The general consensus from the dr is that he is just going to do that until he grows out of it...
John getting smiles...


Unknown said...

Hi friend! Let me know if you need anything...

Jan Larson said...

Hi Kelly...Jenni shared your blog with me & so I have been enjoying your newsy posts, loving the pix & hearing about your new role as a mommy....your little guy is precious....I hope to meet him some day! Sorry about his bad tummy...our first child was a puker..I vividly remember him doing this huge projectile vomit in the shoe department of Macy's in Kansas City...I was so embarrassed..I do hope "G" gets over his problem soon! hugs, Jan